A little of this and a little of that!!

This blog is a mix of interesting articles, links and artifacts relevant to education. As I interact with educators, students, parents and consultants I am constantly amazed at the resources that are available. While there are many places where you can go and access resources I wanted a blog where I could just talk about some interesting things as they come up. There is really no rhythm or reason to the subject matter. Whatever I find interesting at the time I will post.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Learning in America: Educational Revolution

Educational Revolution

Many forces have been frantically at work to "fix" education while still maintaining tenets that were established in the Industrial Revolution. Billions of U.S. tax dollars have been spent over decades to create change and "improve education". As people in charge still argue what that may mean, the public has become very hostile and negative towards many of our educational professionals. Teachers and Administrators struggle to keep any sense of balance as forces tug them back and forth seemingly every other year in different directions. It may seem quite bleak at times. (more...) 
Learning in America: Educational Revolution